Saturday, May 30, 2015


Scarlett Star
One Year Old

Scarlett Star was a princess before she was even born. 

She took her time entering the world – her mother labored for 36 hours before she emerged.  Once I was allowed to hold her, I could see that   she was everything we had prayed for.  From the moment she was born she was bright, attentive, satisfied with her surroundings.  For the next week and a half, I took turns with Dad and Mom, being the safe and awaiting arms that held the new baby. 

I thanked God I could be part of this baby’s birth.  After all, only a year before Mario and I had been residing on the African continent; now I could not stop holding her, loving her…thanking God that I was there for her.

Today that baby is ONE YEAR OLD. 

In one year, Scarlett has turned into a happy toddler, literally toddling around and keeping her parents busy.  She walks, dances, laughs out loud and eats her meals with quiet confidence.  Her vocabulary has expanded quickly; words, like “Mama” “Dada” “no” “uh-oh” and “Boo-no” (for the family dog, Bruno) comes out of her with delicate and deliberate cuteness.  

She is becoming more social; touching the screen every time we SKYPE, putting her face closer to mine. She is also starting to understand what Vince and Rikki are saying to her, and using her new words to get their attention. 

Sometimes when I call, my daughter-in-law will tell me that our little princess is  “being a brat” – meaning that she is testing her limits.  Even when she does, Scarlett realizes right away that Mama and Daddy stand firm and that those limits don't change.  Even so, on most days life is pretty sweet.

There are few things more beautiful than new life.  Children give a family identity, renewed purpose and love.  Like a breath of fresh air, children give us their eyes and perspective to see, which grown-ups greatly need.  Each day I thank God for my granddaughter; I pray that this little person be protected and nurtured by God. 

Today, I celebrate her.  She is our little sweet pea – our jewel.  I love her and she knows it- even across the miles.  Happy Birthday, Scarlett.  You are truly a little Princess.

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